Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 96,497,777 Issue: 189 | 6th day of Hunting, Y7
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword happyneo_89

Week - 189

XD - The Comic
by happyneo_89
Description: Not a good idea...

Written by brettinterrupted

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Snowager Prize
"Since you are this month's random winner, you will be receiving our mystery prize! Come to the Ice Caves on the 22 day of the month of eating to claim your reward!"

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Tiki Trouble!
Now, which way is the exit?

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A Pirate's Life for Me: Part Three
That night Dani couldn't sleep. The rain pelted the window mercilessly, and she simply laid there listening. When she found that it was no use trying to go to sleep, she slowly pulled down the bed sheets, and climbed out of the cot.

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User Lookups Made Easy(er)
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A Wizards Beginning: Part Two
Wizard? Him? No, that can't be possible. The same him who gets beat up by bullies almost daily and is picked on in school for reading. No, that couldn't be right.

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