The Beauty Shop of Horrors: Part Three by blubblub317
"Are you the only one who's coming? I got an order to bring
a carriage for two."
Hannah groaned as a humungous red Eyrie stood
before her with an elegant black carriage attached to his backside.
"Well, there have been some difficulties," she
mumbled, looking down at the ground.
"Look, lady," the Eyrie began, "I'm going to
have to take someone to Neopia Central. The expenses have already been paid
for. I could get fired if I don't."
Hannah groaned dismally. "Hold on," she said.
"Let me go see if I can get my friend to come along with me."
The Eyrie nodded curtly, allowing Hannah to run
off to Tina's house. She flew up the steps, and banged on the door so that Tina
could hear loud and clear. The door swung open, revealing a fuming Island Usul
standing at the doorway.
"What do you want?" snapped Tina, crossing
her arms in an irritable motion.
Hannah heaved a sigh. "Look Tina, I just wanted
to apologize. I mean, I let my emotions get to the best of me, and I shouldn't
"Well, did you bring a reconciliation present?"
Tina asked hurriedly, stomping her foot on the hardwood tiling.
Hannah raised her right eyebrow. "No! Why?"
"Look Hannah, you should know me well enough
by now. You're only gonna' be my friend again if you get me a gift. Okay? An
expensive one. Maybe use your coins that you got to get me something at the
Hidden Tower. That's the Tina way."
The small Usul stood in shock as her friend rudely
slammed the door shut. "How can she say that?!" cried out Hannah, balling up
And with that, Hannah stomped down the steps
of Tina's residence, and marched through the thick and hot sand to the Eyrie.
"I'll go myself," she growled, yanking open the door of the carriage ferociously.
The Eyrie nodded, and began flapping his long,
majestic wings. In a matter of seconds, he flew off with the carriage trailing
behind to Neopia Central.
Dr. Sloth painted the last area of the shop's
wall, and put down his heavy paint brush. He wiggled his hand, slightly relieving
his wrist's pain. "I hate painting," the villain scowled.
However, he was still proud with what he had
accomplished. He gazed around contentedly at the olive-green walls that replaced
the once-pink walls. He had also changed the books at the waiting area from
"Looking Your Best at Parties!" to "Finding the Perfect Villain Hair-do!" The
sign outside had also been replaced to 'Madame Sloopeh's Beauty Shop". Sloth
thought that using his codename was a brilliant idea, since obviously no one
would figure out it was him. Well, of course, when he had his wig and make-up
on no one would. Sloth wasn't looking forward to having to put on make-up and
perfume, but he knew it had to be done to get his Neopoints back. At least he
would smell good for a bit.
Sloth kneeled down and slid open a drawer from
the front desk. Inside was an auburn-colored wig and a makeup kit. Most likely
Mademoiselle Beauté's, he had suspected. He gagged, but still grasped the wig
and placed it on his disfigured head. Looking in the mirror, he smiled for a
nanosecond at his unusual beauty.
"Wow, you're gorgeous!" Sloth barked out to himself.
When he realized what he was doing, he shut his mouth, adjusted the wig so it
looked proper and opened up the tube of lipstick. Dr. Sloth wasn't a creature
who wore makeup, since his good looks came naturally, or so thought. So when
he attempted to put on lipstick, let's just say it didn't turn out too well.
He smeared the coloring all across his cheeks and chin, resulting in a disastrous
"Oh, no worries!" exclaimed Sloth. "I look even
better then that stupid Mademoiselle Beauté herself! I mean, who doesn't look
better then a puddle?"
Hannah the Usul kneeled against the wall of the
carriage, peering out of the window, which displayed a breathtaking view of
the seas of Neopia. Heavenly white clouds lazily drifted by and the sea sparkled
in wonder from the sun's rays. The Eyrie had said the trip would last thirty
minutes, but to Hannah, this felt like forever without Tina.
"Why did she have to be such a jerk today?" the
Usul moaned, tears gradually welling up in her eyes. "I mean, what did I ever
do to her? Or…maybe…I'm the one who's the jerk."
Hannah sniffed, and looked down as tears began
falling. Her and Tina had never gotten into such a big fight before. It was
always small bickering about who got to play with which doll or who got to be
the teacher for 'School'. Hannah miserably smiled as these memories whirled
in her mind. Why couldn't the two be like that now? Everything had changed when
Tina had discovered what money could do to pets and how powerful she could become.
"Well, I'll get a total makeover, and then maybe
Tina will accept me. Maybe I'll be more of her type. Yeah, that sounds good."
Hannah sighed and closed her eyes as the journey continued on.
Dr. Frank Sloth sat irritably at the front desk
of his shop, gazing at a list of VIP clients who were scheduled for an appointment
today. The nearest appointment was fifteen minutes away, at 3:00 p.m., and Sloth
certainly didn't feel like waiting this long. And how would anyone believe that
Mademoiselle Beauté had suddenly vanished and he was replacing her? Unfortunately,
he hadn't properly thought it through, resulting in a miscalculation. One that
could destroy his entire plans.
"Wait," Sloth mumbled, scratching his head in
a thoughtful state, "maybe I can say to the clients that she has some sort of
sickness and I'll be replacing her for a few days. And then, when I have enough
Neopoints and have brainwashed enough of those prissy clients, I'll get out
of here and no one will know it was me, the brilliant Dr. Frank Sloth! MWUHAHAHAHAHA!"
"We've arrived at our destination, Neopia Central,"
the Eyrie-flyer proclaimed at the front.
Hannah sighed in relief. Near the end of the
trip, she had begun feeling sick from her woozy stomach, and she was anxious
to get out.
"Would you happen to know where this place is?"
Hannah questioned as she jumped out of the carriage.
"Well, I have brought Ms. Tina here a couple
of times," stated the Eyrie. "I think you keep going straight down the road,
take a sharp right once at the Bookshop, turn left, and then you should see
a small pink shop. Got it?"
Hannah wasn't sure if she did, but she nodded
anyway. The Eyrie smiled and as a final remark, he said, "Have fun. I'll be
here in one hour to pick you up."
And then he flew off, leaving Hannah to stand
there alone in the masses of crowds passing by.
"So, I go straight," muttered Hannah as she started
to make her way to the beauty shop. She did this for a few minutes, until the
view of the bookshop came clear into her eyes. "Now, a right." The Usul abruptly
turned her direction to her right, continued to walk, and then changed directions
once again on the first left.
"Gosh, I really hope I'm not lost."
Luckily, she wasn't. A small shop with a sign
that read 'Madame Sloopeh's Beauty Shop! VIP AND EXCLUSIVE ONLY!' appeared into
sight. Hannah sighed, and then something suddenly struck her as bizarre. "Didn't
Tina say her name was Mademoiselle Beauté?" she whispered to herself. "Hmmm,
I must have misheard."
The Usul walked up the cobblestone pathway and
entered the shop where the ring of a melodic bell welcomed her. Hannah was surprised
to see someone who looked more like a male covered in a makeup then a female
sitting at the front desk.
"Um, hello," she said timidly. "A-are you Madame
"Oh, of course I am dear! Come, come, come in!"
Madame Sloopeh, or Sloth, stood up from his desk and made his way towards Hannah
the Usul. He hadn't quite recognized who it was yet. "Your name is?"
"Oh, um, I'm Hannah. Hannah the Usul."
Sloth's expression dropped in horror. "Hannah
the Usul."
Hannah raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Uh, is
something wrong?"
"Oh no, my dear!" replied Slothy, flinging his
arms madly. "It's just I've heard wonderful stories about you and your adventures!
I'm such a fan!"
Hannah seemed astonished. In fact, she was. She
had never heard anyone say that they were a fan of hers. "Thank you so much!"
she replied, breathless. "You're very kind!"
Sloth giggled, and motioned Hannah towards his
desk. "Well, m'dear, to start off, I'm adding ten-thousand Neopoint charges
for a charity that my good friend started," he stated, pointing at a small piece
of paper that lay on the desk.
"What's the charity called?" asked Hannah, inspecting
the paper at a closer range.
"What's it called?" said Sloth with wide eyes.
His mind frantically tried to come up with a name. "Um…The Historical Meepit
Society of course!"
"The Historical Meepit Society? I've never heard
of them before…"
"Of course you haven't! Exclaimed Sloth, placing
his thin and narrow fingertips on the Usul's shoulders. "That's because my friend
just created it a few days ago, and is asking for donations that could really
shoot up on this charity on the radar. Poor little thing. His Meepit died in
a freak blimp accident two weeks ago. So unfortunate."
Hannah seemed suspicious about this whole thing,
but hadn't a clue of how she could say no to such a kind lady who had said she
was a fan of hers. "Well," began Hannah, fishing out a coin from her pocket,
"I did find some nifty coins in the Galagarth Caves in Krawk Island. I guess
I could give you one. It's worth more then ten thousand Neopoints, that's for
sure, but there are creatures out there that are more needy, like…Meepits."
"Oh, wonderful!" squealed Slothy in an exaggerated
tone. "You're an angel, honey!"
Hannah gave a faint smile. "Thank you. Now, I'd
like a makeover to surprise my friend. Is it possible to do this in an hour?"
"Of course it is, dear! I'll be able to whip
something up in no time!"
As Hannah dropped one of her coins on top of
the fake charity paper, and began walking away to seat herself down, Sloth opened
up another drawer and pulled out a secret formula: BRAINWASHING SHAMPOO
"Perfect," cackled the evil villain.
To Be Continued…