White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 96,497,777 Issue: 189 | 6th day of Hunting, Y7
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We found the following 18 result(s) for the keyword zephandolf

Week - 164

Savak: The Medallion - Part One
by zephandolf
Description: "You're becoming an adult. One journey in your life is coming to an end, and another one is about to begin."

Week - 165

Savak: The Medallion - Part Two
by zephandolf
Description: Looking uneasy, Kosek padded closer to the cage. "So what do we do now?" he asked. "Do we leave him here?"

Week - 166

Savak: The Medallion - Part Three
by zephandolf
Description: "This?" Savak asked. "It…it was Murgoh's. He was my pack's leader."

Week - 167

Savak: The Medallion - Part Four
by zephandolf
Description: "Red Lupe?" Savak asked. "I…I thought he was white."

Week - 168

Savak: The Medallion - Part Five
by zephandolf
Description: "Shimmy up the pipe?" Lukas asked. "What would that…Oh, to get to that vent, you mean? I could try."

Week - 169

Savak: The Medallion - Part Six
by zephandolf
Description: As he spoke, the two Grundos left the office and started walking across the factory. Behind them walked a tall gray-green figure in a long, black cloak

Week - 170

Savak: The Medallion - Part Seven
by zephandolf
Description: Savak looked up in surprise as his mother padded over from the other side of the cage. When she came to stand next to Murgoh, she looked up, and went stiff with shock.

Week - 171

Savak: The Medallion - Part Eight
by zephandolf
Description: "Lukas, wait!" Savak cried, hoisting himself up on three legs. "That Lupe is being controlled, like the others were!"

Week - 176

Savak: The Search - Part One
by zephandolf
Description: "I need to speak to a light faerie named Jearii," Savak blurted out. "Can you contact her for me?"

Week - 177

Savak: The Search - Part Two
by zephandolf
Description: "Is there a map nearby?" he asked. "I would like to plan our…'stay' here."

Week - 178

Savak: The Search - Part Three
by zephandolf
Description: "Kosek!" Savak called. When Kosek reached him, Savak prodded where he found the scent. "A Lupe has been by here. Whoever it was, it went that way."

Week - 179

Savak: The Search - Part Four
by zephandolf
Description: Savak sat down next to her, looking out along the jungle. Though he couldn't see the sun, he could tell that night was drawing close.

Week - 180

Savak: The Search - Part Five
by zephandolf
Description: Savak perched himself on a boulder, looking over all the brush and ferns that lined the bottom of the ravine. What he saw made him smile.

Week - 181

Savak: The Search - Part Six
by zephandolf
Description: "Alright," he said. "You said you know what this is all about. Explain this to me."

Week - 182

Savak: The Search - Part Seven
by zephandolf
Description: Everyone turned in the direction of the voice, and Savak's ears twitched nervously as he realized who it was.

Week - 183

Savak: The Search - Part Eight
by zephandolf
Description: "I don't like either choice, but this isn't a decision I can make. What do you want to do, Jessie?"

Week - 188

Savak: The Redemption - Part One
by zephandolf
Description: "We were having some territorial trouble with a neighboring pack. Fortunately, we have it resolved now. I hope," he added silently to himself.

Week - 189

Savak: The Redemption - Part Two
by zephandolf
Description: Savak relaxed slightly as his pelt absorbed the warmth of the noonday sun. His thoughts drifted from Jessie to the medallion around his neck. He pawed at it as he thought of how much trouble he’d gotten into since he put it on....

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