Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 155,374,198 Issue: 220 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y7
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword jacfreec

Week - 187

Hyper Drive
by jacfreec
Description: It's bath time!

Week - 194

Hyper Drive
by jacfreec
Description: Ever wonder why there aren't any Neopian inventors?

Week - 220

Hyper Drive
by jacfreec
Description: So, why are we up this early?

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After the Dance: Part Four
"'Treaty of Meridell and Darigan formed. King Skarl and Lord Darigan forge friendship'. What now?"

by precious_katuch14


Starry Stuff
Show and tell!!!

by marilltachiquin


Food Club: an Allergies Analogy
What are these "allergies" that affect certain Pirates? Why does each hinder some pirates more than others?

by blobenterprises


Yay Lab ray!!

by lordandmastertenchi


Hyper Drive
So, why are we up this early?

by jacfreec

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