For an easier life Circulation: 155,374,198 Issue: 220 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y7
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Continued Series

Shadowchild: Part Six

"What did you call me that?" I gritted, demanding an answer. Sirocco sliced through the air and I barely dodged it...

by sara_mossflower
Murgoh: Part Five

One day, almost two weeks after his arrival, Murgoh mustered the strength to leave the cave. Limping slightly, he padded around the fire and into the passage...

by zephandolf
Purple Pebble: Part Six

"What if, what if! That's all you say. What if you never take any chances, Feri? Sure there are loads of what ifs that could happen."

by mygoodguild
After the Dance: Part Four

"'Treaty of Meridell and Darigan formed. King Skarl and Lord Darigan forge friendship'. What now?"

by precious_katuch14
Hubrid's Attempted Hero Heist: Part Four

"Before we leave for the Haunted Woods, there are a few stops we should make," he explained...

Also by schefflera

by ikkin_with_attitude

Sight: Part Four

She just nodded with a smile, and said, "The effect will only last for about two or three hours. Now be off! Slygor could hurt my paintings at any second."

by dan4884
The Battle of the Lucky Coin: Supplemental Text - Part Three

I asked her why a magnificent being had gone through such trouble to help an ordinary figure such as myself. And this is where I learned the identity of the one who had put me in this unfortunate little predicament...

by kublakhan27
The Pirate Writer: Part Three

"Where'd you find that?" I gasped, reaching toward the handle...

by czenko28
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Absent Anubis - Part Three

"Ouch." I winced as my paws hit the ground. The sand was much warmer than I expected and it made my feet tingle...

by playmobil_is_my_life
Inexorable: Part Three

Ryddle rushed up to the ghost Lupe, leaving the rather confused Tyger on the front steps. "Phantom! You didn't tell us you'd be coming!"

by haannsolo
The Poogle Racer: Part Two

"Wow! Look how she walks, lifting her feet up high and shaking her head…almost prancing! As though she's the best Poogle out there…"

by phoenix1000
Faerie Fanatics: Part Three

I had always wanted to go to Virtupets, but not as a prisoner...

by matjake44_3
Searching For Paradise: Part Two

As the sky became dark and the streets outside became mysterious and unpredictable, Tye couldn't take it any longer. She had to do something...

by cpmtiger
The Mask of Calendroh: Part Two

The Acara's heart swelled with pride as she allowed the beautiful faerie to guide her inside. They would be friends; she knew it. Just like in her vision...

by laurelinden
Search the Neopian Times


Sophie: Swamp Witch

She spends a ton of time preparing brews and she doesn’t even get help from the rest of Neopia. That’s right: this potion-making witch doesn’t hand out quests that ask for unbuyable items and give 5k rewards. How she manages to keep up her stock of ingredients, no one knows, especially considering...

Other Stories


The Vampire Next Door
"You're just saying that because you don't know the joys of making cookies!" I replied, and in my opinion that was the best comeback ever.

by petlove1995


Baby Angel: Growing Up
"Look at me!" she cried out to her owner, flapping her arms wildly...

by shadowcristal


Revenge of the Disgruntled Neopians
What you’re about to delve into is a guide that has developed as the result of many hours of frustration taken out on poor pixel caricatures of certain staff members that run Neopets.

by sum41girl2k


Is Newer Really Better? [Part 2]
Arr, I'm telling ye, tha ol' games be betta' than all them new games! In my days, we'd sit 'n enjoy a good game of [some game no one ever heard of in their life]...

Also by faeriegurl4lyfe

by fip


Bad Carma
Watcher helps make a comic about the Lost Desert Puzzle.

by armadi


Eep. - In the Market
This stinks.

by sillie_little_thing

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