For an easier life Circulation: 155,374,198 Issue: 220 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y7
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Random Silliness

by dragonanz

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A Thief's Promise
Finally, the outline of a hooded figure could be seen at the base of the great mountain. It began its ascent, stumbling every now and then when a particularly strong gust of wind came along...

by summerlove77


The Truth About the Xweetoks
The Xweetok, Neopia’s newest inhabitant. At first it may seem harmless; you want to pick it up and cuddle it.

by appropinquo


The WORST Wednesday in My Life
If ever there was an evil lemon, then I have met that lemon. His name is Bob.

by peterpuffin1


Sanity Obsolete
Do you know why no one does your quests?

Art by nut862

by evanescent_pudding

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