Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 155,374,198 Issue: 220 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y7
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True Fictional Facts of Neopia

by dragonx325

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Purple Pebble: Part Six
"What if, what if! That's all you say. What if you never take any chances, Feri? Sure there are loads of what ifs that could happen."

by mygoodguild


I wouldn't recommend that...

by starsparkler


Bad Carma
Watcher helps make a comic about the Lost Desert Puzzle.

by armadi


The Battle of the Lucky Coin: Supplemental Text - Part Three
I asked her why a magnificent being had gone through such trouble to help an ordinary figure such as myself. And this is where I learned the identity of the one who had put me in this unfortunate little predicament...

by kublakhan27

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