A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 150,952,996 Issue: 232 | 24th day of Running, Y8
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword ewagon

Week - 221

The Darkest Faerie Rises: Part One
by ewagon
Description: She was a young dark faerie who hated who she was. She did not want to be evil or cruel; she thought that it was not fair that she could not decide what kind of faerie she was to be...

Week - 222

The Darkest Faerie Rises: Part Two
by ewagon
Description: "Because, Drakar, no dark faerie alone is strong enough. But together, with you as our leader, we cannot fail."

Week - 223

The Darkest Faerie Rises: Part Three
by ewagon
Description: "Council, I come before you again not as your subject, but as your current and future ruler. I will take you on either one at a time or all at once, whichever you prefer..."

Week - 224

The Darkest Faerie Rises: Part Four
by ewagon
Description: "Well, what is your plan then, Fyora?"

Week - 229

Neglect's Revenge: Part One
by ewagon
Description: His owner spotted the dismay in his eyes and said, "Cheer up, Vendette, we're only another one hundred thousand neopoints away from your Darigan paint brush..."

Week - 230

Neglect's Revenge: Part Two
by ewagon
Description: "Lousy kids! I'm not giving out any quests right now. Come back later. On second thought, don't come back later, don't come back ever again!"

Week - 231

Neglect's Revenge: Part Three
by ewagon
Description: Vendette was speechless; now he could be painted Darigan. "So that means that if I chose to be painted Darigan, I could be?"

Week - 232

Neglect's Revenge: Part Four
by ewagon
Description: Vendette thought about that, pondering the potential consequences. "I have to save my sister, and I can't do it alone. I need your help."

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