Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 150,952,996 Issue: 232 | 24th day of Running, Y8
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword kacheeklover3579

Week - 169

The Cybunny Caper
by kacheeklover3579
Description: Celina was the one with the Babaa. Kalina and Ayisha ran into Celina's room. It was empty, except for one little Babaa standing in the middle of the room, pointing to a piece of paper on Celina's bed.

Week - 174

One Scary Night
by kacheeklover3579
Description: "Poor Albert! Evil Esophagor! He turned Mutant! I'm gonna turn Mutant like him!"

Week - 211

Rhyme Time!
by kacheeklover3579
Description: I finally got my big chance. The last school bell had just rung after my last period class, which was my writing class, and I had just recited another poem...

Week - 214

Halloween Happenings
by kacheeklover3579
Description: "Halloween. The whole idea of it. I mean, dressing up like someone else to get candy? How lame. Candy is bad for you, anyway."

Week - 231

The Greatest Treasure of All: Part One
by kacheeklover3579
Description: Katrina the blue Kacheek sat on a Pink Tile Patio Chair in the yard outside her neohome, leaning back and enjoying the nice weather. She was surrounded by Sillie Daisies happily bobbing in the cool breeze. It was a beautiful, peaceful day. She looked up at the clouds and smiled…

Week - 232

The Greatest Treasure of All: Part Two
by kacheeklover3579
Description: "Don't be ridiculous, Katrina," said Aaron. "Who would be dumb enough to bury their treasure at the Tombola stand? Everyone always goes there; someone would have found it by now."

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