Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 117,885,008 Issue: 236 | 21st day of Eating, Y8
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword v1cnt

Week - 236

Having Problems
by v1cnt
Description: This might be a problem...

Idea by manu_sartori

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Notions and Nonsense - Lemonade Stand
What do you mean "sugar costs extra"?!

Art by humblely

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Why do some pets glow?
Just Power_poni, his petpet Kotton, and (what used to be) my Neohome.

by panther_puma


I Don't Like My Plate...!
Why can't anyone do anything right for a change?!

by gr3y_soul


Ludicrously Odd
TWO ghosts?

by nyteviper


The Neopian Review: A Guide to Fine Dining
Is Kelp worth the trouble? How is Kelp different from the Golden Dubloon? What is the best way to get an evening of fine dining without completely draining your bank account?

by phsycoticdancer

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