The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 121,679,817 Issue: 245 | 23rd day of Relaxing, Y8
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword elpheba

Week - 242

A Look Back
by macleod22789
Description: Fyora and the Earth Faerie take a trip back in time and find some surprises.

Also by elpheba

Week - 245

Laboratory Blues
by elpheba
Description: Even scientists get hungry.

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Adjusting for the Average Holiday Pet
Walking into the Merry Outfits Shop anyone can quickly notice a theme. Green and red and the occasional brown is what most of the pets are decked in. Very festive in the Month of Celebrating, but now?

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Gone to a better place...

by sharkies


The Story of the Rocking Chair
Every evening, the Xweetok went away, but would always come back the next afternoon. The rocking chair felt its happiest when she came...

by ange_lin


An Exclusive Interview With Valtonous Rea
Due to insurmountable difficulties, it has been necessary to print the Neopian Times interview with Faerieland’s Yooyuball Squad Goalkeeper, Valtonous Rea, as a direct transcript...

by evie_firebolt


A Dicey Situation
 "Nah, let'er stay, Grimmy! Arrr, but I love a loser!" cackled the grizzled, one-eyed Eyrie seated on her left...

by perseph4981

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