Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 121,679,817 Issue: 245 | 23rd day of Relaxing, Y8
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Continued Series

The Fall of Qasala: Part Eight

"Tell about the Neopets in Qasala," Nabile said as they moved. "What are they like?"

by danama
The Lost King of Geraptiku: Part Seven

 "But how am I going to fight in a war? I don't know anything!" Donis said, flailing his arms again...

by violajunky
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Seven

Humming happily, Mareian headed across the castle to the hospital entrance. She always enjoyed talking to the people in the hospital...

by nimras23
Shad and Saura: A Week in Bogshot - Part Four

"Zombie Unis," Shad replied grimly with a nod. "Guess all stories have to start somewhere, aye?"

by ssjelitegirl
Knights of Altador: the Darkest Faerie's Wrath - Part Five

I did something very foolish. I walked toward the Darkest Faerie's black lair. It took me hours...

by hob51
Dusk in Tyrannia: Part Four

And then the lights blazed to full brilliance, illuminating Moehawk and setting the song into full swing. This close, I was surrounded by the beat...

by alkuna_
My Vacation: Part Three

The moment I had unpacked my plushies, Jeanie dragged me out the door to meet some natives that kept speaking gibberish. "We're here to play Tyranu Evavu," Jeanie announced...

by jeanaet
Behind the Forbidden Door: Part Three

Or else. As if there was anything Sloth could do that would be worse than that modified many-legged monstrosity. For a brief moment Flingon considered fleeing the Space Station and going into hiding- but what would be the point?

by sarahleeadvent
Her Spirit's Eyes: Part Two

"Wha...?" The Bori was confused. "She doesn't usually talk like that, does she?"

by petfriendamy
The Price of Faith: Part Two

I wanted to lie down and give up now, but I refused to surrender so easily. So I did the only thing I could think of...

by mutedsanity
The Soul of Maraqua: Part Two

"Stop calling her that," said Cyn crossly. "Her name is Naracissus and Aresto said that she was very important..."

by grapesourhorse
An Evening in the Archives: Part Two

The Lenny felt a tug on his wings, and the Meepit plushie fell out of his hands...

Also by precious_katuch14

by shadowcristal

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"A Dicey Situation" by perseph4981
But one throw had turned into two, the antes had started to get higher, and before she knew it, she was 21,540 Neopoints in the hole and time was starting to run out. She had to get home soon or her older sister would start to wonder. Elandriela was the oldest by far and would spend at least two hours lecturing her on work ethic and gambling and the dangerous company she was keeping and did she know the history of Krawk Island...

Other Stories


One Stormy Day, Three Sunny Resolutions
Soon enough, it was all out war, with Pirate Quiguki leading the Quiguki forces against the evil Dr. Sloth and his Grundo-mutated band of Usuki warriors...

by violinoutoftune


Mona-Elisa and the Missing Fuzzie Bear
"My fuzzie bear went poof!" the little Kacheek wailed. "I need you to find Mr. Applesauce! Please hurry!"

by thorndie


Gaming vs. Restocking
Yes, there is always the option to be both a Gamer and a Restocker, but both take a lot of dedication; splitting that dedication in half really spreads out the time between your goals and achieving them. It's best to stick with one thing for a while and when you get bored you have something new to move on to.

by hes_my_angel


The 10 Most Obscure and Forgotten Neopians
Well, what about the lesser known Neopians? The everyday heroes who are both obscure and important? Or the obscure Neopians who aren’t so important but do provide a moment or two of amusement? Shouldn’t we care about them?

by mali_the_silent_wolf


The Trouble with Being an Electric Kougra
Pesky varmints.

by rosie


Shoyru Squadron: Agents of Faerie
The Draco Debacle Part 13

by the_darkjedi

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