Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 121,679,817 Issue: 245 | 23rd day of Relaxing, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword turquoisephoenix

Week - 205

Petpet for a Madman
by turquoisephoenix
Description: Sometimes it's best not to question the intentions of your customers...

Week - 209

A Brush with Misfortune
by turquoisephoenix
Description: Every inhabitant in the Haunted Woods has a story to tell, including that of a Fairground's scratchcard vendor...

Week - 245

The Source of All Evil
by turquoisephoenix
Description: "Now, you must wonder to yourselves, fellow citizens of the Haunted Woods. How did these woods become so haunted?"

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All the pixels from the world of NeoQuest are escaping!

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The Devious Babaas of Your Maths Homework
For use with Maths Nightmare only. Not responsible for any damage to brain cells or fingers.

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Dusk in Tyrannia: Part Four
And then the lights blazed to full brilliance, illuminating Moehawk and setting the song into full swing. This close, I was surrounded by the beat...

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Dare of the Mortog
If you walk through the majestic Meridell Gardens and follow the winding dirt path until you reach the pond where Pink Lilies grow on the water's edge, you might see a bunch of Mortogs lazing their day away...

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Woes of the Money Tree
I moved the branch obstructing my view, and saw the Xweetok jab viciously at the Grundo. One swipe of her paw then swept up the Piece of Wool...

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