Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 121,679,817 Issue: 245 | 23rd day of Relaxing, Y8
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It Figures

by _saiyan_girl

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Victory: An Interview with an Altador Cup Champion
Well, hello, I'm Dawnira, your interviewer. Right now I've scheduled an interview with one of the legendary Cup Champs, Jared Slightfoot! Oh, there he is!

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The Pixels Are Escaping!
All the pixels from the world of NeoQuest are escaping!

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Woes of the Money Tree
I moved the branch obstructing my view, and saw the Xweetok jab viciously at the Grundo. One swipe of her paw then swept up the Piece of Wool...

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Through the Symol Hole

by mistress_syn

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