Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 121,679,817 Issue: 245 | 23rd day of Relaxing, Y8
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Must Find MEep COokies!

by 0riginal_sin

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Gaming vs. Restocking
Yes, there is always the option to be both a Gamer and a Restocker, but both take a lot of dedication; splitting that dedication in half really spreads out the time between your goals and achieving them. It's best to stick with one thing for a while and when you get bored you have something new to move on to.

by hes_my_angel


The 10 Most Obscure and Forgotten Neopians
Well, what about the lesser known Neopians? The everyday heroes who are both obscure and important? Or the obscure Neopians who aren’t so important but do provide a moment or two of amusement? Shouldn’t we care about them?

by mali_the_silent_wolf


In Fashion: Names
The first (and most important) gift you give to your pet is a name. Believe it or not, your pet’s name helps in determining his or her future.

by ladyariel32


Third Degree Chaos - Neopian Kites
You have to work with what you've got.

by neodandelion

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