The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 123,710,650 Issue: 248 | 14th day of Swimming, Y8
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword imagiknight

Week - 223

The Ups and Downs of Kindness
by imagiknight
Description: Keith's owner could barely sustain one Neopet, but Keith couldn't help lowering the shop's prices when his owner's back was turned. It was just the way he was...

Week - 226

The Unlikely Hero
by imagiknight
Description: I think we'll both be happier when I leave. Lately he's been really strict and on my case. He's not happy with my schoolwork; I think it embarrasses him...

Week - 230

My Little Aggravation
by imagiknight
Description: I winced. "Don't call me Mikey," I said through gritted teeth. "And it's a journal, not a diary..."

Week - 231

All It Takes
by imagiknight
Description: Brianna squinted up at the silhouette that stretched high into the sky, its bushy leaves covering almost the whole expanse. "Wanna bet?" she said. "I can do anything."

Week - 248

What's for Dinner?
by imagiknight
Description: Mmm... Cement.

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