Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 123,710,650 Issue: 248 | 14th day of Swimming, Y8
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Week - 248

by sistersmazoky
Description: AAAAA!! Kuryry, YOU'RE SO EVIL!!!! O_o

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Little Orby
Uh oh.

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Fly Ice Cream?... Ewww!
Some flavors were just never meant to exist...

by changethew0rld


Should've brought a telescope...

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The Unspeakable Truth About Dr. Sloth
As sad as it may seem, many of these misled individuals have their reasons. I ventured to the Virtupets Space Station to see some of the arguments given by some of Sloth's sickeningly loyal minions.

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We All Had Each Other: Part Two
And then, the two were upon the small street that curved among the silent shacks. A tall, bone-thin Korbat, grey and daunting...

by tiger_kitty7788

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