White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 128,277,782 Issue: 261 | 13th day of Collecting, Y8
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword poppie_ng

Week - 225

Get the picture?
by poppie_ng
Description: Who said kadoaties weren't smart?

Week - 261

Get the Picture? #Shenkuu
by poppie_ng
Description: They are a merchant town, after all....

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A Spooky Halloween, pt 2
Sorry you weren't able to bite me.

by ghostkomorichu


Daily Dose - Snowager Alert!
How do you steal from the Snowager while he is awake?

by autoc007


The Pains of Being an Avatar Pet
"See that? He got that avatar 'cuz of me. That's an Island Quiggle avatar. My avatar." I was so obsessed with my avatar that my first word was, in fact, avatar. My world was turned upside down when my owner pounded me to a friend...

by kaisbff


An Unlikely Bond
An undersized green baby Ixi was weeping, salty tears pooling around her glossy ebony hooves. Not because she was saddened, but because it was vital to get herself damp...

by alexandrabryn


Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Kadoaties
Have you ever wondered what goes on in a Kadoatie's mind? Are they really plotting against all of the other petpets to be the cutest in all of Neopia? Do they seriously need to be fed every thirty minutes or so? Oh, and the most important question of them all...

by thisillusionoflove

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