Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 135,120,768 Issue: 263 | 27th day of Collecting, Y8
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We found the following 18 result(s) for the keyword kemppotatoe

Week - 200

Pasty Report
by kemppotatoe
Description: "Yeah. Honestly, you'd think the way she treats us we'd never done any of our homework, and are a constant disruption in class!"

Week - 201

Atop the Grey Cloud: Part One
by kemppotatoe
Description: Nobody was out; gales usually meant that everyone in Faerieland was piled in their basement. But not her. She was here on request...

Week - 202

Atop the Grey Cloud: Part Two
by kemppotatoe
Description: "Y-yes!" Gwendolyn panted, clutching a stitch in her side, "I'm r-ready."

Week - 203

Atop the Grey Cloud: Part Three
by kemppotatoe
Description: "Well, you see," Gwendolyn said. "I-I'm looking for the Grey Cloud, and-"

Week - 204

Because of Jhudora's Book: Part One
by kemppotatoe
Description: Something caught Athelda's eye. The green Zafara's eyes wandered around the street. It was in the gutter, and it was glowing slightly. An eerie, dark glow...

Week - 205

Because of Jhudora's Book: Part Two
by kemppotatoe
Description: She sighed, but not out of regret. Oh no, she did not regret joining Jhudora, even if yesterday she had been a little shaky...

Week - 206

Because of Jhudora's Book: Part Three
by kemppotatoe
Description: "Excuse me," Athelda said, "it's my job to organize inspections, remember?"

Week - 207

Because of Jhudora's Book: Part Four
by kemppotatoe
Description: An earth faerie burst abruptly through the door. She looked pale and tired, but ran over to Jeff. "Chia, listen to me!" she practically shouted...

Week - 208

Braddah's Secret
by kemppotatoe
Description: Densee, noticing her gaze, also looked up. "Let's get this over with," she said exasperatedly...

Week - 207

Silver Tears
by kemppotatoe
Description: Miss Lela pursed her lips at it. She was a highly skilled adult air faerie… and she couldn't make a storm in a jar! How did Braddah do it?

Week - 212

What Sparks Your Story?
by kemppotatoe

Sometimes ideas just pop into people’s heads. Sometimes another writer inspired their writing. Sometimes a question asked by someone else, a ‘what if’ question, for instance, makes ideas come rolling. But what sparks your story?

Week - 250

The 250s
by kemppotatoe
Description: There were issues of every Neopian Times ever printed there, and Yeffie found pleasure in reading every story, article, and series there was to read. But Yeffie's sister was not a bookworm...

Week - 253

Puzzling Pyramids: A Guide to the Game
by kemppotatoe
Description: Welcome to a grueling game of Lupe kings, Aisha queens, and Zomutt jacks.

Week - 254

The Master and the Manual
by kemppotatoe
Description: Weeks of preparation had gone into this school trip across Neopia, but Zephyr felt as if she accomplished nothing. Tomorrow her class would be headed back to Neopia Central...

Week - 260

At the AstroVilla: Part One
by kemppotatoe
Description: Dear Guest, We are sending this letter to confirm your stay at the AstroVilla for the next twenty-eight days. Your suite will be fully prepared for you upon your arrival...

Week - 261

At the AstroVilla: Part Two
by kemppotatoe
Description: "Good morning, Miss, how was your first night?" Mr. Griptor smiled at Cypher as she entered the coffee shop on the fourteenth floor...

Week - 262

At the AstroVilla: Part Three
by kemppotatoe
Description: Cypher sighed and looked at the maid Acara. "You wouldn't happen to know about the legend of LeMaer and the weird happenings of the hotel, would you? I have a question..."

Week - 263

At the AstroVilla: Part Four
by kemppotatoe
Description: At midnight on the twenty-fourth floor, a shriek pierced the sleeping hotel. Cypher jerked awake...

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