Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 135,120,763 Issue: 268 | 1st day of Celebrating, Y8
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword forty2stars

Week - 268

The Trouble with New Clothes
by forty2stars
Description: "Washing machine?" The Shop Wizard looked stumped. This, I decided, was a bad sign...

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Please Sir, May I Have S'More?
Hurray for puns!

Idea by firegirldesigns

by xxdemexx


If Only...
The only problem with the sentient gravestones...

by pencil_cases


The Trouble with New Clothes
"Washing machine?" The Shop Wizard looked stumped. This, I decided, was a bad sign...

by forty2stars


Darkest Corner: Dig-dig-digging!
Depressed pets in slow motion at work...

Idea by mzkimmi

by dark_elfa


Sibling Rivalry
Meep! Meep!

by evilpuppyangel

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