The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 135,120,763 Issue: 268 | 1st day of Celebrating, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword neesboy

Week - 223

The Obsidian Dagger
by neesboy
Description: He slipped down from his perch on a rooftop, and edged down a small alley. He moved from shadow to shadow...

Week - 241

Glass Stone
by neesboy
Description: The Obsidian Dagger was the thorn in the side of the rich, but no hero of the poor. One person profited from what he did, and he was the one doing it...

Week - 268

The Last Real Fake Magician
by neesboy
Description: Staggering back, he looked at what, or rather who, he'd run into. It was a red Shoyru in a black silk top hat and cape...

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The Games Room Cybunny loses the pieces...

by fuzzy_muu


Hour of The Haunted Woods
"These woods are filled with mystery, and only the misunderstood dare to dwell here..."

by alexrae963


If Only...
The only problem with the sentient gravestones...

by pencil_cases


The Princess Letters
My father, Coltzan, and I knew that someday, such an event was eventually going to happen. We realized that you would eventually have a desire to go back and reclaim your own kingdom...

by myfallenrevival4


In This Together: Part One
"There's nothing to worry about, little sister," he told me, draping his paw around my shoulders. "You've got me. And we're in this together, don't you ever forget that..."

by rainbow_daydreamer

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