Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 135,120,763 Issue: 268 | 1st day of Celebrating, Y8
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by jellybeanott

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In This Together: Part One
"There's nothing to worry about, little sister," he told me, draping his paw around my shoulders. "You've got me. And we're in this together, don't you ever forget that..."

by rainbow_daydreamer


Cheese Rolling
Meridell was too medieval for her taste. What Yokalli really wanted was to play games to earn a Mimbi, but nooooooo. She had to "explore" Meridell and see the culture of the medieval Neopets...

by silverswirl_1996


Sisters Forever
"I've got it! Sibeal! She has tons of hair stuff! I bet she won't mind if I borrow one!"

by violet_nose


If Only...
The only problem with the sentient gravestones...

by pencil_cases

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