Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 135,120,757 Issue: 269 | 8th day of Celebrating, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword happychick111

Week - 264

That's Just Wrong - Pant Devil
by happychick111
Description: Someone stole from the Pant Devil? NO WAY!

Week - 263

That's Just Wrong - Happy Halloween!
by happychick111
Description: Balthazar? No, he's my brother... right?

Week - 269

That's just Wrong-Mortog madness
by happychick111
Description: Edna's part time job!

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What Pet Are You? The Ultimate Personality Quiz
So, here you are, Neopia; the ultimate 'What Pet are you?' quiz, only three questions long and no tedious tallying points. I know, I'm too kind to all of you.

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An Endless Ladder
When you're new to Neopia, everything is so different. There is a lot you don't know, and the time it takes before you find this stuff out can be quite regrettable in my experience. In particular, I'm talking about the Neopoints.

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Note to self: Do not eat cheesy asparagus before bed time.

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Keep Healthy!
That poor Chia.

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How to Make the Best of the Holidays
There's no need for any anxiety!

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