Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 157,654,463 Issue: 272 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y8
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword twiddl3d33

Week - 235

Is Grey Really That Dull?
by twiddl3d33
Description: YES! you all scream, convinced that Grey is only for the dull and depressed, and that is why I am here, to make you see Grey in a different light...

Week - 238

Eggs or Neggs?
by twiddl3d33
Description: Are neggs more nutritious than eggs? Can eggs be as pretty as neggs? There are a lot of questions we would like to have answered...

Week - 239

Auctioning for Beginners
by twiddl3d33
Description: I hereby present my own observations and thoughts on some of the basics of setting up a successful auction.

Week - 242

Kadoatery Kaos #1: Picky eaters finish last
by twiddl3d33
Description: Nothing but the best...

Week - 272

Kadoatery Kaos #2 - The 1337-est of them all
by twiddl3d33
Description: Binary has been fed!

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Don't Ask!
It's just his hobby... not a plot quest.

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Lao and the Legend of the Sun: Part Two
As he walked deeper into the jungle, he could hear exotic birdcalls over an undertone of buzzing insects. Occasionally, the bushes would rustle and Lao would freeze where he stood, but not once did he see any sign of life...

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Grundo: Sledding
Aw, you're just a sissy.

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A Luminous Situation!
So... just how many Grarrls does it take? @_@;

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Earn Your Stripes
Pay attention in science, children.

by yellowembers

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