Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 132,843,682 Issue: 273 | 5th day of Sleeping, Y9
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword reggieman721

Week - 256

The Choice
by reggieman721
Description: The annual Race Through Neopia Central was the biggest event of the year for runners. Dale had been training extra hard after he placed fifth the year before. Now, he felt ready to steal first...

Week - 268

The Window
by reggieman721
Description: The cool house provided a welcome relief. Carefully tying the last daisy into her hair, the blue Aisha stepped into the parlor. This was her favorite room...

Week - 271

Lao and the Legend of the Sun: Part One
by reggieman721
Description: Zhou peered curiously at the red light beaming across the sky. "'Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning,'" he quoted. "Strange things'll be happenin' soon, no doubt. Th' sun never lies..."

Week - 272

Lao and the Legend of the Sun: Part Two
by reggieman721
Description: As he walked deeper into the jungle, he could hear exotic birdcalls over an undertone of buzzing insects. Occasionally, the bushes would rustle and Lao would freeze where he stood, but not once did he see any sign of life...

Week - 273

Lao and the Legend of the Sun: Part Three
by reggieman721
Description: He tried to look the pet in its eyes, but its face was covered in the clashing black and white checkered pattern, and it was difficult to tell if the Draik was sincere. Its voice was smooth and mysterious, and this did not reveal its intentions either. Lao felt a feeling of helplessness wash over him as he realized that there was no way to tell whether this creature was here to help or harm him...

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The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Disappearing Deaver - Part Four
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Slorg Care Made Easy
Slorgs have serious allergic reactions to salt. That's why it's important to keep salt away from their bodies, but it's also important to keep salt out of their inner bodies, too. NEVER salt a Slorg's food!

by hylakisweetheart

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