Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 134,586,010 Issue: 276 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y9
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword micrody

Week - 247

Tales of a Petpet Campfire
by micrody
Description: "Welcome," a bright yellow Petpet said as he noticed the Faellie. "I'm Flo the Flowper! Is this your first time coming to the Petpet Retreat?"

Week - 250

by micrody
Description: "I have patience!" the Blumaroo protested, waving his bread around wildly...

Week - 252

Air Heart
by micrody
Description: "Well, you're an Air Faerie," the Earth Faerie responded, "and I don't see many Air Faeries with their heads out of the clouds."

Week - 254

The Eyes of Imari
by micrody
Description: I have my ways of keeping others away. I possess a crystal ball forged of my darkest emotions, and with this crystal sphere I am able to extend my powers...

Week - 255

The Pianist's Quandary: Part One
by micrody
Description: The light of Kreludor, shining brightly in the dark sky, fell in through his windows and draped his room with an eerie grey light. In the distance, he could hear a piano playing. Its song was solemn...

Week - 256

The Pianist's Quandary: Part Two
by micrody
Description: "Ellamara," he whispered and the Xweetok gasped in surprise, her song coming to a sudden halt...

Week - 257

The Pianist's Quandary: Part Three
by micrody
Description: "I cannot recall if I was truly a princess or not, but my father always called me his little princess. After I became a ghost, when I woke up here, he was nowhere to be seen..."

Week - 258

Poison Doll
by micrody
Description: It had only been a few days since her Grandmamma had sent her a similar Neogram beginning with the same sentence, Please, do not be alarmed...

Week - 260

Hyperion: The Beginning
by micrody
Description: "You know where they'll end up," the second voice said. "Where all the others do." Dr. Death said nothing in response to this...

Week - 266

The Science of NeoQuest
by micrody
Description: Why do so many people play NeoQuest? Why do so many people not play NeoQuest? What makes the game so addictive, so great?

Week - 275

Rules of the House
by micrody
Description: "Fine, then, run about, do what you will, but, please, allow me time to write..."

Week - 276

by micrody
Description: The Pteri fluttered his wings in exasperation. "Haven't you heard the noises? The sky is falling!"

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