Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 185,678,020 Issue: 281 | 2nd day of Running, Y9
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by homage2fromage

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Great stories!


The Adventures of Agent W007 - Episode I
"You? A SUPERHERO??? What are you going to do, bleat them into submission? No, you'd better stay home, where it's safe..."

by renrenthehamster


Wug n' Nege
Do you remember...

by triangular


Cry of the Angel: Part Two
First, May gulped down every last drop of liquid from the magic vial. Then she poured the morphing potion into the vial...

by st83_star174


Vanity: Part One
Sarah pushed the white door of the bathroom open slightly so she could see her sister. "You are going to enter the beauty contest?" She raised one eyebrow...

by literalluau

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