Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 185,678,020 Issue: 281 | 2nd day of Running, Y9
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New Life


by ssjelitegirl

Want to go to -Blocked-?

Also by mcquackers2

by mcquackers


Spooks in Space #2

by ghostkomorichu
Say What?

So that's why...

by entitled

#1 : This is why you dont trust Keegan...

by homage2fromage
Cookie Bites

It's not so easy to be Maraquan.

by pernillepapillon
Baby Brother Bait

Not your conventional fishing trip!

by xandurh
Speck the Speckled

Hey, poor, lost traveler.

by cheetah_kougra
Two's A Company

What did YOU wish for?

by starsparkler

An Elephante never forgets!

by gryffinrose
Curse You Ebil Cabbage! - Being a Skunk Pet

For Ash, my first ever friend, my friend forever. -luff-

by paper
Un-Animated Cookie Shorts

Would YOU take it?

by white_lightning100
Bashfully Bizarre

No one in our family can sew...

by flcl_
The Sad, Sad Truth

Oh, Pea's just a royal wannabe...

by potatoes_on_toast
Grumpy Old King #2

King Skarl has a bit of a jealousy issue. Just a bit.

Also by zyalea

by xappz

Made With Real Fruit

Trouble Brewing...

by starry_shine13


by aishagirl1179

Sorry, they're not out yet.

by ursaring454

Ahhhh, every Neohome owner's Nightmare...

by anime_freak999
The Neo Files

Whatcha doing?

by cubbiewa
Helmet Curiosity

Answer to an age old question... or at least a recent one...

by raptorsama
Razzle Dazzle - Episode IX


by khestrel
QT's Queasies

For dessert? How about a nice Dirt Pie?

Written by patjade

by mindsend

Just Another Comic


by jamz76
The Grey Faerie's Hope...

Aw, you shouldn't have.

by ooorianeoo
The Petpetpets of Neopia


by starlet12
Mutant Doughnut

I hear business at the chocolate factory is really sweet.

Also by frostychica_

by sockmonk

Gelert Days

Silly Sally...

by xxx_tayler_rox_xxx
Two Babies in a Cot

At Autumn's house...

by autumn_belll
INCREASED - Flower Power

Pixie needs spelling lessons.

by saramissa
Behind the Scenes: Petpet Lab Ray

I'm finally here!

Idea by coffeesage

by lisaw1215

Wug n' Nege

Do you remember...

by triangular

Just goes to show that fishing is SNOT worth it! HAHAHA. Ha... eh.

by bugeyedthing
Search the Neopian Times


Spaceship Sick

Your goal is to navigate the unforgiving terrain and return to safety in Kreludor, while avoiding obstacles and mini fungi, and if that wasn't a bad enough situation, you only have a certain number of moves as well (remember, the ship suffered damage!). In my guide, I'll cover the basics and mechanics of the game play, so you can...

Other Stories


Coughs, Colds, and Cures
On hearing her pets stumble into the kitchen, Biogirl looked up groggily from her paper and did her best to put on a smile. "Oh, good mornin', girls," she said. Her voice, normally a smooth happy tone, sounded raspy and stuffed up...

by biogirl1991


Strength of Character
"Well... it's a funny story, really," the Draik sheepishly began. "I was walking to school to be three hours early like every morning when I saw Goober and his friends bound out of nowhere towards me." Goober was the nickname everyone gave the school bully...

by books86


Godori: A Card Game Lover's Guide
Anyway, welcome to a game that's easy to play but hard to win, a game of Petpets, of worlds caked in sunsets, of high points scored, and of ultimate glory.

by ewanspaz


Painting Your Pets: The Practical Benefits!
So I hear you saying that you like your red Xweetok and blue Aisha just the way they are, but painting your could help you in all situations, from around the house to when you're exploring Neopia!

by qwerty_quirky


One Big Happy Family: Part Three
She just wanted things to back to the way they were. Before all the fights. Before all the hurt feelings. Before all the nasty comebacks and Kayla's tired look. She just wanted that dumb Eyrie to leave...

by harry135535


Petpet Adventures: Runaway - Part Three
She couldn't see Archilles from this position, but she could see the Ruki's legs and arms playing with Jalla. She saw them stop and held her breath. Then she heard a loud yell, and knew that Archilles had been spotted...

by rachelindea

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