Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 185,678,020 Issue: 281 | 2nd day of Running, Y9
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Wug n' Nege

by triangular

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Just goes to show that fishing is SNOT worth it! HAHAHA. Ha... eh.

by bugeyedthing


Coughs, Colds, and Cures
On hearing her pets stumble into the kitchen, Biogirl looked up groggily from her paper and did her best to put on a smile. "Oh, good mornin', girls," she said. Her voice, normally a smooth happy tone, sounded raspy and stuffed up...

by biogirl1991


White Sand and Shattered Glass
"I come with sands from my homeland," she continued, as if reading into all of his hopes. "However, before selling them to you, I have one request. I would like a custom-made window..."

by laurelinden


Two Babies in a Cot
At Autumn's house...

by autumn_belll

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