White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 177,384,943 Issue: 309 | 14th day of Gathering, Y9
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword adopt_today01

Week - 309

Mutant Pets... Truly Evil? Or Misjudged?
by adopt_today01
Description: Mutant pets are extremely loyal to the few people who are their friends.

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Great stories!


Sloth's Time Machine: Part Two
"Yeah," the shadow Kyrii sighed. "But I just wish that something interesting would happen..."

Also by jamesuk2

by azellica


I've Got a Golden Ticket
Darn it! STILL no invite this year! What does it take to get invited to that darn Chocolate Ball anyway?

by shadowchamber


Don't underestimate a bug the size of your thumb. ;)

by srsddgrl


Half Empty
Free moral included.

by panther_puma


Dear Neopets Team...
Exposing the dangers of Neopia, one letter at a time. Brought to you by Grey the Uni... who is actually coloured green.

by featherwingedangel

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