A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 177,384,889 Issue: 314 | 19th day of Collecting, Y9
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We found the following 33 result(s) for the keyword sytra

Week - 254

They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part One
by sytra
Description: She made her way downstairs after making sure she looked perfect. It was not every day you went to school for the first time...

Week - 255

They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Two
by sytra
Description: Pretty soon Mel and Sam became inseparable. They spent countless hours goofing off together, in and out of school...

Week - 256

They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Three
by sytra
Description: After the squeaky snow boot incident, it was hard for Sam to go to school every day and have to face Miss Valstak again. But her owner still forced her to go to school...

Week - 257

They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Four
by sytra
Description: "Nothing bad is going to happen. I promise. We are going to be friends until the end of Neopia..."

Week - 258

They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Five
by sytra
Description: At first, Sam and Mel didn't talk about their new friends to each other during recess, since they thought it might endanger their friendship, but eventually during one recess, Sam's friend, Krystal, followed her over to Samel...

Week - 259

They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Six
by sytra
Description: On the last day of school, Mel had even forgotten the last time she and Sam had done anything together. She then realized that she had to somehow save their friendship before it was too late...

Week - 260

They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Seven
by sytra
Description: Believe me, you don't want to be one of us, Mel thought to herself, as she stared down at the ground miserably. She didn't want to leave her friends behind, but she knew that she had to...

Week - 261

They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Eight
by sytra
Description: As they were strolling down the aisles of the Food Store, Mel had been trying to pluck up the courage to ask her owner something she was dying to know...

Week - 262

They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Nine
by sytra
Description: When summer was nearly over, Mel, Sam, Kira, and the rest of the gang all went over to Sam's house to open their letters from school that told them which teacher they would have for sixth grade...

Week - 263

They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Ten
by sytra
Description: "Come on, Mel!" Sam urged, as she pulled the yellow Usul along through the store. "It's not so bad, trust me..."

Week - 264

They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Eleven
by sytra
Description: "Oh, come on. I mean, they'll never hear a word we say. It'll just be our little secret. That's the fun of it. The only people who will know that this conversation has ever happened..."

Week - 265

They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Twelve
by sytra
Description: On the first day of eighth grade, Mel was sitting at her desk in class, when Chad came running up to her. "Mel, Mel, I just heard... Have you heard?" the red Lupe questioned, looking eager and a little worried...

Week - 268

Into the Sea: Part One
by sytra
Description: "At first glance, she appears quite normal. Like a regular little Flotsam, happy with her life. She looks as if she has not a care in the world... Poor thing."

Week - 269

Into the Sea: Part Two
by sytra
Description: So she just stared at Sasha, with her arms crossed, waiting for her to get out of the pool. Katrina knew eventually she would. Besides, she didn't like forcing Sasha to do things. And Doctor Velt told her not to make Sasha do anything she didn't want to. So Katrina waited...

Week - 270

Into the Sea: Part Three
by sytra
Description: Sasha couldn't tell if people liked her or not. She didn't know what they meant when they spoke to her. At school, a pet could say, "I like your shoes," and Sasha could take it the completely wrong way...

Week - 271

Into the Sea: Part Four
by sytra
Description: Katrina never mentioned Amelia, or how she hadn't seen her that day at the races when Sasha said she was in the lane right next to hers. Katrina figured she had just understood Sasha wrong. But still...

Week - 272

Into the Sea: Part Five
by sytra
Description: Nobody said anything for a few moments. The only sound that could be heard was the tick-tock of the clock by the door. Velt's eyes were sad, but Katrina's were hard and angry. The girl clenched her fists tighter and tighter every second...

Week - 276

The Mirror of Memories: Part One
by sytra
Description: There were tons of people crowding the house, and I immediately ran upstairs to try and find some of my friends who I knew would be there. Some people stared at my slippers as I climbed the huge staircase...

Week - 277

The Mirror of Memories: Part Two
by sytra
Description: I opened the door and stepped outside, immediately feeling cold drips of water splashing down on the top of my head. Great, it was raining...

Week - 278

The Mirror of Memories: Part Three
by sytra
Description: I didn't feel anything at all, so I put my whole hand through. A portal. I took one last deep breath, closed my eyes, and quickly walked through the mirror...

Week - 279

The Mirror of Memories: Part Four
by sytra
Description: "I want you to do something to get Malin's attention! I don't know, go knock something over and make a big ruckus. Just don't let her open that umbrella case and see the journal!"

Week - 280

The Mirror of Memories: Part Five
by sytra
Description: I slowly moved my sharp nail towards the mirror and poked it. My nail went right through the mirror into the liquid-like portal, sending ripples through the mirror and my reflection...

Week - 281

The Mirror of Memories: Part Six
by sytra
Description: I smiled and walked around the small tables where pets were seated, reading the Neopian Times and relaxing. Malin grinned at the people she was serving, taking their menus away, then turned around and froze when she caught sight of me...

Week - 282

The Mirror of Memories: Part Seven
by sytra
Description: Suddenly, I heard a sturdy knock on the door. I rushed over to it, wondering if it was Malin. But then again, she'd probably have a key to her own house, and wouldn't be knocking...

Week - 283

The Mirror of Memories: Part Eight
by sytra
Description: "What... what is that thing?!" Enzie demanded, pointing at the jewel in Malin's hands. "How is this possible?"

Week - 284

The Mirror of Memories: Part Nine
by sytra
Description: I should have read all of her journal. I should have been prepared, knowing what would happen next...

Week - 285

The Mirror of Memories: Part Ten
by sytra
Description: "I say we keep the jewel," Enzie said loudly. "I mean, who cares about the kid? He'll find a nice home somewhere..."

Week - 286

The Mirror of Memories: Part Eleven
by sytra
Description: Enzie put us all to shame as she tore past us, holding Kin in her mouth as she ran. Then she flipped him up into the air and he landed right on her back. It was pretty much the coolest thing I'd ever seen...

Week - 308

I, Sloth, King of Meridell...: Part One
by chocolateisamust
Description: In my glory days – Sloth's glory days – I would not have even considered answering such a daft question. But now, such inquiries were routine...

Also by sytra

Week - 309

I, Sloth, King of Meridell...: Part Two
by chocolateisamust
Description: Sloth and I had been waiting in line for five hours, and we had just gotten to the front entrance. We were next. I looked up at my 'father', my heart hammering in my chest. What would happen if we failed? What if Skarl didn't like us?

Also by sytra

Week - 310

I, Sloth, King of Meridell...: Part Three
by chocolateisamust
Description: "So!" Skarl leaned forward on his elevated platform, pointing down to the potatoes. "Thanks to a very kind donation from the Potato Counter man, we have..."

Also by sytra

Week - 311

I, Sloth, King of Meridell...: Part Four
by chocolateisamust
Description: As Sloth gave me a high five (something he had never done before in my life), Perry gasped, "He cheated again, Your Highness! He tripped me!"

Also by sytra

Week - 314

The Ties That Bind: Part One
by sytra
Description: Mel the yellow Usul never thought she'd hear from her old best friend ever again. Yet, yesterday when she had been sent out to get the mail...

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