Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 177,074,046 Issue: 328 | 1st day of Awakening, Y10
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword brokensilent

Week - 309

In the Faerie's Garden
by brokensilent
Description: The voice was soft, pleasant, and lacking in anything malevolent, but nonetheless, it made her skin crawl. There was just something eerie about being in a field, following an unknown voice...

Week - 311

Squid Bait
by brokensilent
Description: Curiosity snared the Techo, or was it Techos make great squid bait? Eh, either way, it's time to go fish.

Week - 312

The Proof Is In the Mind Control
by brokensilent
Description: Don't blame the faerie, it comes with the title.

Week - 316

Petpet Races
by brokensilent
Description: Always make sure to check out the race course before taking it on full speed.

Week - 323

Secret Santa Secrets
by brokensilent
Description: When an average disco Chomby decides to put together a secret santa for her family, she gets more than she bargained for...

Week - 328

The Statue Collector: Part One
by brokensilent
Description: When Coral wanders away from Maraqua, she thinks being lost is the worse thing that can happen. She's wrong...

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Is There a New Year in Shenkuu?
In this wonderful Year 10, Shenkuu will be celebrating its most important traditional holiday: The Shenkuu Festival.

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And the Rest...
Okay, that's enough gratitude. o.o

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