Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 177,074,046 Issue: 328 | 1st day of Awakening, Y10
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Short Stories

Comet Trails

It had only been for a brief moment, but she could have sworn that she had glimpsed something streaking brightly across the sky...

by scarletspindle
The Lupe of Terror Mountain

She was nothing more than a blue Poogle. At least, that what she thought of herself...

by ariss_foeltone
Kayennah Kacheek, Kadoatie Keeper

A Kadoatie who never gets fed but doesn't cry about it? Something is wrong!

by tallydepp
Not Quite NeoFlu

My first indication that something was wrong was when Aldrai stopped eating...

by child_dragon
The Real Lassie

Did Caz really think she'd been in Neopia long enough to have a third pet?

by carys1994
Rai's Choice

"Mia, are you sure about this? We could really get into so much trouble." A yellow Shoyru stood in the Hidden Tower peering at the price tags...

by sweetpurple96
The Statue

I will never know what its motives are, and what its history is. There is only one thing that I will ever know is true about my house.

It is haunted...

by psychopsam

Story Teller

"A lone Xweetok was running through the forest, alone and unwanted. 'CRACK!' A twig snapped behind her..."

by _9_faithauthor_9_
Never Ever Forever

When my neopets went off to boarding neoschool, it seemed like forever until they came back. Oh, that was some ordeal...

by annie9867
A Golden Necklace, A Misguided Heart

They were all entirely conceited, rich, and too powerful for their own good. But, Brista admitted, shifting her pink knit purse on her arm, those three things combined worked to her advantage...

by ayame_23
The Bakery

It was his dream to be a Yooyuball player, and, though his parents didn't know, the Ixi hoped to leave the hard life in his family's bakery...

by ffamran
A Day With Fyora

"Fyora's going to deliver a speech. You know how I feel about her; she's my hero!"

by black_skull725
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"Rai's Choice" by sweetpurple96
"Mia, are you sure about this? We could really get into so much trouble." A yellow Shoyru stood in the Hidden Tower peering at the price tags around her. "This isn't the Chocolate factory, you know. That stuff is replaceable. But if Fyora catches us snatching her stuff, then we could be sent to her dungeons forever..."

Other Stories


Gooples: Off the Cone
Gooples come in many colors and styles. They do not come in purple. If your prospective petpet is purple, it's a frozen snack.

by perdita136


Honoring Kacheeks: How to Celebrate Their Day
They're wonderful Neopets almost anyone can appreciate. So, how should we honor them...

by ridiculer


The Faerie Dilemma: Part Eight
Booville was just a stone statue, her mouth dropped open and staring blankly at the scene in front of her. Tears poured profusely from Naellie's eyes...

by shadow_sabre_


My Year in Shenkuu: Part Four
Tanny rubbed her eyes, and shook Aceliane awake. It was not the smartest thing to do, for as soon as the Acara woke, she began insulting and scolding Tanny...

Also by heeken

by j_c1993


The Evaluation of Insanity #2
I'm glad we can't.

by the_foster_home235


Newfangled- Plushie Problems
Oh! Looks fun...

by dragon_loyalty

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