A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 177,074,046 Issue: 328 | 1st day of Awakening, Y10
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword scarletspindle

Week - 222

Lucky Misfortune
by scarletspindle
Description: That wasn't what I had in mind.

Week - 236

Trigger Happy- Issue 1
by scarletspindle
Description: Well, what about now?

Week - 242

Trigger Happy
by scarletspindle
Description: Some things should be left unsaid.

Week - 323

Random Babble
by scarletspindle
Description: You really like my garland, right?

Week - 327

The Faerie Blues
by scarletspindle
Description: "Whyyyyyyyy?!" she shrieked mournfully, throwing herself back down onto the pillow...

Week - 328

Comet Trails
by scarletspindle
Description: It had only been for a brief moment, but she could have sworn that she had glimpsed something streaking brightly across the sky...

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My Year in Shenkuu: Part Four
Tanny rubbed her eyes, and shook Aceliane awake. It was not the smartest thing to do, for as soon as the Acara woke, she began insulting and scolding Tanny...

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Welcome To My Life
3. Play :D

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A Day With Fyora
"Fyora's going to deliver a speech. You know how I feel about her; she's my hero!"

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