Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 176,435,075 Issue: 336 | 28th day of Running, Y10
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword doody_duty

Week - 332

Mr. Meepit - #1
by doody_duty
Description: You may know him from Neovision, and now he is invading your Neopian Times.

Week - 336

Mr. Meepit goes to Neoschool
by doody_duty
Description: There's a reason meepits aren't allowed in Neoschool...

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The Top Five April Fools Tricks In Neopian History
A list of the five best April Fools tricks in Neopian history in honor of April Fools Day this year.

by shakinheadtotoe


Don't Worry, The Gravity Works Just Fine
My owner? Well, she was standing not two feet from me, also staring at the wheel, never blinking. 'I wonder if she's hypnotized by it,' I thought to myself...

by pinata_novia


Petpet Perils - First Impressions
Oh the many fun things you can do with petpets...

by fireplayer25


Just Click to Read
This is why Mr. Lupid is always splattered in paint...

by buzzbuzz_g27


Smycks' Tales #8
Yooyuball problems

by helmfinland

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