Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 176,435,075 Issue: 336 | 28th day of Running, Y10
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The Class of '08 Part Two

8 characters. 1 winner...

by _dead_meat_x_
Say What?

Why some Neopians don't make good teachers...

by fairynotes
Faerieland Omelette

Drawing a comic?

by seahorsepond

Who are you, the grammar police?

by cyaneus
Shoyru Adventures: Kyu Catches Neomonia pt.1

Mmm... soup...

by lawrence_189
TheOneThatGoesWoof gets a job

...but for how long?

by pippylouise
Appearance Issues

How can I show my face in the Battledome like this?

by kalvaja
Medical Tree: Cure 1

Do you know how much those cost? Pets these days...

by leetmango
Gleba's Adventures!

This time... with an unhappy Kiko!

by happyhaz

Can you sign your name in the dark?

by coshi_dragonite
Something Has Happened!

A mad HUNGRY pirate captain..

by redish_green
Smycks' Tales #8

Yooyuball problems

by helmfinland
Koteex's Life - Traitor

Reading comics can have consequences. :D

by cevierakasky
Uncommon Situations

It is not easy to be a newbie.

Art by ximera

by palis_5


I'll pass.

by kevinlin1216
Shopkeepers at War

And this is why the Health Food Store isn't placed next to the Pharmacy...

by lolly_happy
Ghostly Hiding Place

Not the most well-thought out plan a Cybunny's ever had.

by serebii251
Petpet Perils - First Impressions

Oh the many fun things you can do with petpets...

by fireplayer25

Gone Fishing

by _moonsfire_
Wicked Wocky Wobble

Whoaa... WHoooaaaa!... WHooOOooAAaa!!!

by sweeteepiiiie

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

by doglvr888


by mycatdog
Neoschool Troubles

Now that Neoschools are finally open... you have to feel a bit sorry for the Teachers.

by tootsiekitty_

I didn't like the idea of going to schoool...

by ssjelitegirl

It's tough being a neopet.

by afevis
Terror of the Neoschools

Neoschools are finally open!

by twocents
First Day Jitters!

Argghhh!?! Whose carrot is that?!?!

by xiceangelzx
One Fish, Two Fish

What classes should I sign up for?

by fish_puddle
Unadventurous Adventures: Neoschool Begins

Teacher's Pet

Script by water_park1993

by nativsis

Amikarashui #9

NeoSchool Nonsense

by bluecloud300
Sweet as a Rotten Apple

We never saw that Kiko student again...

by fruitcupandspoons
Random Something: Neoschool is here!

So much homework...

by silvermare200
Blibby the Blibble


by summerchristmas838
Mr. Meepit goes to Neoschool

There's a reason meepits aren't allowed in Neoschool...

by doody_duty
A Neopian History Lesson: Lupes and Chias

Out shopping.

Written by jrtluver1994

by doggybells

NeoSchool Tip #114

Tips for school supplies...

by shaddykins
Just Click to Read

This is why Mr. Lupid is always splattered in paint...

by buzzbuzz_g27
April Fool's!

Ha Ha~!

by lil_myle


by ghostkomorichu
Notions and Nonsense

Neoschool Acid Test, be sure to take notes!

Script by patjade

by tamia_silverwing

Search the Neopian Times


"Don't Worry, The Gravity Works Just Fine" by pinata_novia
In this 'land of petpets' there happens to be a hole. A very dark hole. Piñata was extremely excited when she saw it; it was just big enough for Spike to fit down. Spike cowered in fear as he slowly inched forward to peek down into the hole. For a second, it didn't look like he was going to go in, but then Piñata 'accidentally' bumped into him, and he went squealing down the hole...

Other Stories


The Joys of Teaching
She was wrong every time. It was proof that Emilia was a very memorable, remarkable teacher...

by precious_katuch14


Spelling Class
Furthest. What rhymed with furthest? Rose scribbled some possible words in the margin of her notebook. This was how she passed much of her time at school...

by nut862


Neoschools Return to Neopia
We had our reporters go to the Neoschool in Neopia Central and inquire who the teachers are, a bit of background information on them, and what courses they are teaching.

by jockylocky


Neoschool: The Space Conundrum
While educating all of Neopia is a wonderful and noble plan, a question of how all of these Pets will fit into Neoschool rises into the mind.

by taipeiss


Wicked in the Woods: Part Three
As the Werelupe guard lumbered over to where Garith and Wrey lay hidden in the bushes, a feeling of dread washed over them...

by scarletspindle


Backfire!: Part Two
The jacket nearly dropped, but he grabbed it up just in time, cursing his sister under his breath. The necklace slipped out of the pocket and onto the floor...

by raizindaroof

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