Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 176,435,075 Issue: 336 | 28th day of Running, Y10
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword icegirl_sara

Week - 158

by icegirl_sara
Description: "Wow, what high stats. I can;t believe she was dumped here. She'll be a great fighter."

Week - 213

Dying Embers
by icegirl_sara
Description: "Enough!" yelled the teacher, Miss Flame. "Ember, if you cannot conjure a fire by tomorrow, I shall be forced to do something you really don't want me to do."

Week - 274

It Must Be Love
by icegirl_sara
Description: "Look at me just throw money away." She opens her fingers and the little red coin falls, landing with a clatter. "I can't pick up the love I hold for you and just drop it down the sink..."

Week - 292

Running from Dreams
by icegirl_sara
Description: "You abandon me, I abandon you," I said, then continued the climb up the ship's rigging...

Week - 310

by icegirl_sara
Description: Sarasala continued to improve and show love in singing. Icaron never forgot the Faerie, but he wasn't always nice...

Week - 324

Loving Heart
by icegirl_sara
Description: I won't say Talyl and Ravendhi lived happily ever after; they had their arguments. But Talyl knew he had what he needed...

Week - 329

by icegirl_sara
Description: "I think it must be lonely," she said. "The poor light, without any friends..."

Week - 336

Money: Part One
by icegirl_sara
Description: That's the excuse my owner always has, whenever I ask for anything. There's not enough money. We're out of our weekly allowance. It's too expensive...

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