A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 176,435,075 Issue: 336 | 28th day of Running, Y10
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword sunsetneversetting

Week - 285

The Banister
by sunsetneversetting
Description: Who knew what Fyora did in her spare time...

Week - 309

Nothing Else
by sunsetneversetting
Description: All she had to do was turn around and go back to her nice, warm, bed- "So what do I do?" she whispered, shivering, to herself. "Turn back, or keep going?"

Week - 332

Superhero Sister: Part One
by sunsetneversetting
Description: The second I heard the words 'Defenders of Neopia', I panicked. No, I wasn't an evil villain bent on destroying the world...

Week - 333

Superhero Sister: Part Two
by sunsetneversetting
Description: The guilt was hard to live with. Whenever Rayon was complimented, I tried my best to smile and feel happy for him- but I never was. It felt...

Week - 334

Superhero Sister: Part Three
by sunsetneversetting
Description: "The doctors say you'll be fine within two to three days. You hurt your right hind leg, so watch that for a while!" That was my brother speaking...

Week - 335

Superhero Sister: Part Four
by sunsetneversetting
Description: Taking note of the threatening storm clouds in the distance, Rayon and I sped up our walk to the Headquarters. Rayon seemed at peace, happily waving to proud citizens...

Week - 336

Superhero Sister: Part Five
by sunsetneversetting
Description: "Impossible is nothing!" he snapped. "That's what the Defenders told me..."

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