From the Founding to the Fall by torkie10
As part of my assignment to complete my training as an Eyrie Guard, I have been instructed to write a report about the history of the Citadel. This is so that the Eyrie in training is completely aware of what he or she is protecting and why, and also about the Citadel itself. I, however, am aware of the difficulties that come with this, because I am tied up in the past of the Citadel. There is, of course, no way to prove this; therefore, despite the protests of my sister, I shall only write what can be supported. I shall write about the Darigan Citadel... From the Founding to the Fall. -ShriekThe Founding
The Darigan Citadel's original location on Neopia in relation to other cities is known to very few. Those that know will not say where the Citadel once stood, but it can be reasoned that the Citadel was once in the Meridell plains. There are a few who suspect the current "Meridell" Ruins may actually be what remains of the part of the Citadel that was not taken up into the air. Nothing supports this, however, and no research can be done into the fact due to the Lisha Loop. What is known for certain is that the Citadel was once near a very woody area, and it was also within reasonable distance from Meridell so that although it would take time to reach it, there would be the possibility of contact. Very little is proven about the Founding of the Darigan Citadel. What is known for fact is the intent by the founders for the Citadel to be isolated; while Meridell has had a long history of trade, the Darigan Citadel did not trade with other nations at the time of the Founding. The Darigan Libraries may have shed more light on the matter, but these libraries have been burned and the information lost to eternity.
There are the following theories about the founders. First, some believe that the founders may have been escaping persecution. The lack of trade shows either a feeling of fear or of disinterest, so either point could support this theory. In addition, the original structure of the Citadel is one of defense, but not very conductive for a stronghold of a warring nation. Fugitives would first build up their defenses before making any plans of attack. A second theory suggests that the founders were part of Meridell, and then broke off. The lack of trade with anyone, but Meridell in particular since it was relatively close, shows that this could be possible. Additionally, the oldest artifact on the Citadel is a shield that strongly resembles the style of the Meridell Knights; however, the shield is far older than any of the oldest of the Meridell Army, and could not have been stolen during the wars. In addition, the Orb worked for both Meridell and the Citadel originally. Therefore, it can be reasonably believed that at least one of the founders was of Meridell origin. A third theory suggests that the founders were from a warring nation. This theory is very popular in Meridell, but there is no evidence whatsoever to support that the Citadel was originally a warring nation. It is highly unlikely that they would have left Meridell alone if that were the case; in addition, there are no armories from that time period. All armories were built at a later date. A warring nation would not have enough room to place their weapons in the homes of the soldiers; an armory would have been vital. The lack of an armory from this time period is accepted as conclusive evidence by Brightvale scholars that the Darigan Citadel was, at least originally, NOT a warring nation. The Prosperity
The Darigan Citadel was, without a doubt, once a very prosperous place. Most of the artifacts from the Darigan Citadel are in the possession of Queen Fyora, and she has said they are of quite good workmanship. When I asked to see these items, she threatened to throw me out of the Tower. I quickly dropped the subject. In addition, what little glory that remains on the Citadel is quite glorious indeed. Works of art, generally statues, can't have been produced in a time of despair, famine, fear, or poverty. Some of the more famous artifacts of the Citadel were of a magical nature. The most famous artifact is the Orb. The Orb, while quite old and not from the times of prosperity, has been thought to have induced prosperity as well as maintained it. This "effect" of the Orb has also been seen to work in Meridell. Whether or not the effect is magical, psychological, or a mix of both has not been proven.
There are several theories as to the reason of the maintained success of the Citadel.
The first theory is that the Citadel was an agricultural and artful society. Because the Citadel was near a forest, the was most definitely fertile land; whether or not the Citadel received its livelihood from the woods and fields is no longer known. Some believe this theory unlikely due to the lack of wooden artifacts and the abundance of stone artifacts. This point, while likely considering other kingdoms of the time, has not been proven. A second theory is that the Darigan Citadel received its economic strength in stone and metals. The plentiful statues, abundance of stone and metal artifacts, and the fact that the Citadel (but not the surrounding buildings) is built ENTIRELY out of stone suggests that there must have been a stone quarry nearby. In addition, the two most infamous artifacts of the Citadel, both of which are now broken, were made of metals and precious stones.
The third theory states that the Darigan Citadel must have received its wealth from raiding other nations. Once again, this theory is highly popular in Meridell. However, the history of Meridell ITSELF positively denounces this theory. If the Citadel had received its prosperity through raiding other nations, then Meridell would have taken greater steps to protect itself from a possible attack. In addition, there is no evidence that Meridell was raided by the Citadel prior to the wars. Meridell, prior to its decline, was a highly prosperous nation. It is ridiculous to think that the Citadel would have waited until Meridell was prospering and the Citadel was declining to raid Meridell if it intended to do so. This theory, as the other similar theory, has no proof to back it up without showing that some of the kings in Meridell (and Brightvale) were either highly incompetent or were cruel enough to withhold information of a neighboring aggressor, or possibly both.
The Reign of Draconis
Very, very, VERY little can be proven about the reign of Lord Draconis Darigan. Most of what happened during his reign is either not accepted or hotly disputed by both Meridell (but that goes without saying), but also by Modern Neopia. The following facts, however, are accepted as facts by all peoples from Meridell, the Darigan Citadel, and Modern Neopia. First, Lord Darigan did not conduct a raid on Meridell until the Orb had been in Meridell for several years. Secondly, by this time, the Citadel was detached from the ground. On the Citadel it is believed that this happened as a result of the loss of the Orb, but Meridell claims that the Citadel was detached prior to this time.
Third of all, Draconis did not know the location of Meridell. If this were otherwise, the war would have started much, much sooner. The fourth, and most famous point, is that during the reign of Draconis Darigan, the Darigan Citadel went to war against Meridell.
The fifth point is that Lord Draconis Darigan became crazed by the Orb after it was recaptured. He no longer acted in the general interest of his people, but of a far different motive for power. It is widely believed that this craze was induced by The Three. The last point was that Lord Darigan was destroyed when the Orb split into many pieces. At this time, the reign of Draconis Darigan came to a temporary close.
The point at which the Citadel was forced into war has been said to be the Fall of the Citadel. The Citadel has not recovered economically, psychologically, or emotionally from this misery. The effects of the Fall have also spread to Meridell, Brightvale, Faerieland, and Modern Neopia. There is still a significant bit of history after the Fall, namely the Reign of Kass and the Return of Darigan. However, I have done what I set out to do- display the PROVEN facts from the Founding to the Fall of the Darigan Citadel. Story writers, namely my sister and my owner, have their own ideas as to the dignity and honor of Meridell, the Citadel, and who the Founders were. P.S.- All you citizens of Meridell, please do not send me neomails saying "This is not true! Darigan stole the Orb and has always been evil" and la dee da- refer to the third theory under "The Prosperity". In saying such things you are denouncing your king, and that is very disloyal, isn't it? -Shriekofdoom1
Shriek is no longer an Eyrie, but I found this manuscript in his room. The hint? Look for developments...