There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 176,435,075 Issue: 336 | 28th day of Running, Y10
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Mr. Meepit goes to Neoschool

by doody_duty

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The Witches Ride Again: Part Two
"I wear a shawl, don't I?" Morguss replied abrasively. "That not good enough for you? Doesn't have to be a black hat to be a proper witch's hat, does it? Know a lot about the occult significance of headwear, do you?"

by herdygerdy


Money: Part One
That's the excuse my owner always has, whenever I ask for anything. There's not enough money. We're out of our weekly allowance. It's too expensive...

by icegirl_sara


A Neopian History Lesson: Lupes and Chias
Out shopping.

Written by jrtluver1994

by doggybells


Eating Fool's Day Game Night
"I've been thinking about your request for a game night, Pete. It's an excellent idea..."

by shamboo5

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