Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 176,434,926 Issue: 338 | 11th day of Eating, Y10
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword icegirl_sara

Week - 158

by icegirl_sara
Description: "Wow, what high stats. I can;t believe she was dumped here. She'll be a great fighter."

Week - 213

Dying Embers
by icegirl_sara
Description: "Enough!" yelled the teacher, Miss Flame. "Ember, if you cannot conjure a fire by tomorrow, I shall be forced to do something you really don't want me to do."

Week - 274

It Must Be Love
by icegirl_sara
Description: "Look at me just throw money away." She opens her fingers and the little red coin falls, landing with a clatter. "I can't pick up the love I hold for you and just drop it down the sink..."

Week - 292

Running from Dreams
by icegirl_sara
Description: "You abandon me, I abandon you," I said, then continued the climb up the ship's rigging...

Week - 310

by icegirl_sara
Description: Sarasala continued to improve and show love in singing. Icaron never forgot the Faerie, but he wasn't always nice...

Week - 324

Loving Heart
by icegirl_sara
Description: I won't say Talyl and Ravendhi lived happily ever after; they had their arguments. But Talyl knew he had what he needed...

Week - 329

by icegirl_sara
Description: "I think it must be lonely," she said. "The poor light, without any friends..."

Week - 336

Money: Part One
by icegirl_sara
Description: That's the excuse my owner always has, whenever I ask for anything. There's not enough money. We're out of our weekly allowance. It's too expensive...

Week - 337

Money: Part Two
by icegirl_sara
Description: I grin wider, feeling better. Khelyer has had nothing at all spent on her breakfast, and mine could buy a house!

Week - 338

Money: Part Three
by icegirl_sara
Description: I have been living in a perfect dream, and the amazing part is that it's actually reality! My reality. But then sadness tinges my dream. Khelyer's reality. It's my sister who really lives like this, not me...

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