The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 175,300,980 Issue: 362 | 3rd day of Collecting, Y10
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword giv_peace_a_chance_

Week - 362

What's YOUR Fashion Style?
by giv_peace_a_chance_
Description: Are you confused by the tons of options in the NC mall? Not sure whether to play it safe and buy a simple pastel blue hair bow, or shine in a fashionable feathers superpack?

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Summer Shaves
What a late time for shaves...

by tasmanian97_5


Annika's Silence
She hasn't said a word for a month, Brian," my owner yelled to me. "Why do you keep expecting her to answer?"

by kittygirl5170


What Is a Pet Worth?
"Look what I just sniped from the pound! I don't really like it, but it's an awesome color!"

by mistrissmanda


The Chronicles of Terror Mountain: Part One
The Snowickle sniffled. He felt so utterly alone in Neopia. He was called "Icky" by the other petpets...

by deathxwisher


Raisins, Anyone?
Poor little grape...

by michelle186464

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