Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 175,202,586 Issue: 366 | 30th day of Collecting, Y10
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword champ100543

Week - 320

Alton's Potatoes
by champ100543
Description: Our deal is this; I support and advertise his game of potato counting, and at the end of each day he awards me with five potatoes...

Week - 325

by champ100543
Description: "I couldn't take care of him anymore..."

Week - 331

We Are Meepit: Part One
by champ100543
Description: It was a stormy day in Neopia when they attacked. We all knew it would happen someday...

Week - 332

We Are Meepit: Part Two
by champ100543
Description: I rushed at a Neopian and knocked the wind out of her. The pink Kougra retaliated with a fire muffin. I nimbly dodged it, flipping in the air, and withdrew my Sword of Skardsen...

Week - 333

We Are Meepit: Part Three
by champ100543
Description: "We storm the staircase to bring out the guards. Then we fight them," he said casually, as though announcing what was for breakfast. I didn't understand how Rayd could be so calm, when I was so jittery I thought I'd faint...

Week - 334

We Are Meepit: Part Four
by champ100543
Description: "But really, Clyde, I couldn't have fought well if you hadn't... if you hadn't opened all the cages and saved us all..."

Week - 337

by champ100543
Description: Kysrelda whipped him gently with her bag. "If we went now, the shop owner would notice US, fool!"

Week - 342

All That Blah: NT Edition
by champ100543
Description: I'm here to describe to you different types of stories and articles you can write about. I'll also give you tips along the way.

Week - 348

The Uncool Life of Akats
by champ100543
Description: Who cares about some silly job? An Orange Kyrii, privileged as he is, shouldn't have to get a job. That's what owners are for...

Week - 361

The Petpet Project: Changing Life in the Pound
by champ100543
Description: A lot of the pets in the pound have such horrible names that no one would ever think to adopt. They'll be stranded there forever. So this is why I have a challenge for you...

Week - 364

by champ100543
Description: Kippy, you really should take a deep breath and think about the neomail you sent.

Week - 366

A Ghostly Halloween
by champ100543
Description: "Any ideas for Halloween tomorrow? We could throw a party here, maybe, possibly... would that be okay with you, Larch?"

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The Meepit Show: NT Edition
Tonight, we celebrate our first special show, which is a fortunate statement since it allows me to insult every contestant on every prior show as having been simply ordinary.

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The Zombie Pet Epidemic
Everything you will ever need to know about zombification.

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