Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 175,202,586 Issue: 366 | 30th day of Collecting, Y10
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New Series

A Halloween We Won't Soon Forget: Part One

"Hey, Frosty, Kyakoy, quit flying in the house!" shouted Fudge in the direction of two Shoyrus as she helped her Checkered Acara, McGonny, into a Gobbler Costume.

Also by misabella

by chocolate_fudge7

Defenders of Neopia: The Vacation - Part One

"Yeah," she said between gritted teeth, "some fun, relaxing vacation this is..."

by jokerhahaazzz
The Last Page: Part One

My master, Eliv Thade, stood next to the servant's bell, a book in hand. Some who visited the castle called him dashing, with his piercing yellow eyes, dark green fur, and the jagged scar that ran over his left cheek. More called him terrifying.

by silent_snow
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How to Trick-or-Treat

Are you ready to go on the ultimate trick-or-treating adventure, a visit to the Haunted Woods? Beware; this challenge is not for the faint-hearted. Whether you are a trick-or-treating newbie or an experienced trick-or-treat master, a guide always comes in handy. So I've written down some important information about most of the Haunted Woods denizens and how to trick-or-treat at their residences. Think of it as your guide to who gives out candy and who gives out slimy things with tentacles...

Other Stories


The Meepit Show: NT Edition
Tonight, we celebrate our first special show, which is a fortunate statement since it allows me to insult every contestant on every prior show as having been simply ordinary.

by spoonguardonline


A Ghostly Halloween
"Any ideas for Halloween tomorrow? We could throw a party here, maybe, possibly... would that be okay with you, Larch?"

by champ100543


Last Minute Halloween Purchases - A Must-Have List
Fifteen items covering a broad range of categories that are must-haves this Halloween season!

by poissonneondn


Surviving the Haunted Woods
With scary things like rabid Meepits, dark faeries, and sentient gravestones in the Haunted Woods, you must be careful when you do your annual trick-or-treating.

by jockylocky


The Bunker - Halloween Special!
Halloween: a time for costumed merriment, candy, and unexpected guests...

Also by xcraziesthawkxx

by hubadawaha


Trick or Treat!
It looks like we won't collect much candy this year...

by sue_sa

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