Meow Circulation: 175,202,586 Issue: 366 | 30th day of Collecting, Y10
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword tj_wagner

Week - 214

Taking a Chance on Friendship
by tj_wagner
Description: "Well, you see, we're a club here," answered the Shoyru proudly, "And one of our rules is that we can only talk with other club members."

Week - 218

Once Upon a Time in Pet Central
by tj_wagner
Description: The Story Telling Competition is a competition in which a member of TNT begins a story with a single paragraph. Each day, 1-2 new paragraphs are chosen that best continue the story...

Week - 246

The Perfect Petpage Guide in Six Steps
by tj_wagner
Description: A petpage guide can be very useful and can provide information and tips for other players. Yet, how can you be sure that your guide is truly beneficial?

Week - 286

The Truth of the Faerie Wars
by tj_wagner
Description: Rumors have been spreading quickly on the nimble wings of Neopian Faeries that a new war was quickly approaching. All of Neopia began preparing, choosing sides and strategies for what was quickly dubbed the Faerie Wars...

Week - 288

Running Faster than Destiny: Part One
by tj_wagner
Description: "I don't have a chance against her. She must have a million trophies by now, but all I want is one. Why can't she just sit out one race so that I could win?"

Week - 289

Running Faster than Destiny: Part Two
by tj_wagner
Description: "But what if this wasn't just a story? What if someone like Onyx approached you after a race and offered to help you to become a winner? What would you do?"

Week - 290

Running Faster than Destiny: Part Three
by tj_wagner
Description: Twitch knew he should be heading home, but for a few minutes he just sat there staring up at the sky while his mind raced. What had just happened? Had the spell been for real?

Week - 291

Running Faster than Destiny: Part Four
by tj_wagner
Description: So many times during the party, he had wanted to take his parents aside and tell them the truth, but he had never dredged up the courage...

Week - 292

Running Faster than Destiny: Part Five
by tj_wagner
Description: Twitch followed the sound of the voice and saw Onyx sitting in the branches of a nearby tree. The same wicked smile was plastered on his face...

Week - 293

Running Faster than Destiny: Part Six
by tj_wagner
Description: "Perhaps he allowed himself to be misled," Onyx suggested. "He never asked how the spell worked, after all..."

Week - 363

Something's Missing
by tj_wagner
Description: The perfect neohome!

Week - 366

The Haunted Toilet
by tj_wagner
Description: "I do have one toilet I could sell you for the price you want. It's not the prettiest, but it works."

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In Grave Lettering (A Halloween Tribute)
"This was Natalie's favorite book," Quill said quietly, holding it gently in her hands. "Mother and Father are worried..." she trailed off, looking in the dark immense forest beyond them.

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