A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 175,202,370 Issue: 369 | 21st day of Storing, Y10
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword kalvaja

Week - 319

Fast Food
by kalvaja
Description: All is fair in love and... um, getting your Baby Neopet to eat his dinner.

Week - 336

Appearance Issues
by kalvaja
Description: How can I show my face in the Battledome like this?

Week - 344

Things Not to Say to Your Owner
by kalvaja
Description: ...when she is having a bad day.

Week - 362

Playing with SuAP
by kalvaja
Description: Much more fun than playing catch.

Week - 367

The Horrors of Neoquest, part one
by kalvaja
Description: Mmmmm, lunch break!

Week - 368

The Horrors of Neoquest, part two
by kalvaja
Description: On second thought...

Week - 369

The Horrors of Neoquest, part three
by kalvaja
Description: Huh?

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Owning an Usuki
So you think you want an Usuki? There are a lot of things you need to know before you make the big decision to paint your Usul, or to adopt an Usuki Usul.

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Insanity- Clay
No Warfs were harmed in the making of this comic....

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Eata loafa what?!
Let them eat cake!

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10 Reasons Why You Should Choose An Origami Petpet
Quite some time ago, The Neopets Team created the most brilliant petpet ever! That's right, we're talking about those Origami petpets.

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