Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 175,179,247 Issue: 370 | 5th day of Celebrating, Y10
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword buds_and_authors

Week - 370

A Tale Written
by buds_and_authors
Description: It was a long time ago, nearing the beginning of the world. Faerieland was only for faeries in this time...

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How To Fail Spectacularly At Getting Game Avatars
I wanted those avatars, and thought, "Well, how hard can it be to get them?"

by blackmoorgurl


No Nose Knows Best!
Great makeover!

Art by kitsune_wolf_youkai

by cyniska


The Fallen: Loved - Part One
The closer the month of Giving came, the further down Javiod sank into his despair. His heart ached as those around him celebrated...

by ayame_23


Living Randomly in Neopia
I am always finding things on the ground or getting things handed to me out of nowhere, randomly.

by darkstormer666


Always Want the Best For Our Pets!
The difficulty is to make the right choice. ;)

by sassofrasso

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