Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 175,178,569 Issue: 372 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y10
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword jackjack1234

Week - 359

Colour of Shame
by jackjack1234
Description: "She thinks you need a new appearance. She thinks young neopets may find you frightening." My tail hit the ground.

Week - 357

Mutants: Judged By Their Appearance?
by jackjack1234
Description: Have you ever heard your friends ever say, 'Ew, a mutant? You're considering one?' Then take a look at these facts.

Week - 367

Fuzzeh Logic
by jackjack1234
Description: No Kyriis were ever harmed. xD

Week - 368

Fuzzeh Logic: The Food Shop!
by jackjack1234
Description: Does THAT answer your question? XD

Week - 370

Scorchy Slots: Part 2
by jackjack1234
Description: At least we got her off.

Week - 372

Fuzzeh Logic: The Holidays!
by jackjack1234
Description: Holidays bring out the best in us.

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A Faerie Tale: War - Part Five
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Somewhat Presentable - A Kad Xmas

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