Meow Circulation: 170,754,450 Issue: 394 | 29th day of Hunting, Y11
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword geneames1

Week - 205

Maggie the Meerca - a Cautionary Tale
by geneames1
Description: Once upon a time in Neopia there lived a young Meerca named Maggie. She was very sweet, and her parents loved her dearly, but she had one serious character flaw. She was an incessant chatterbox!

Week - 326

Gormless Wonder
by summerschilde
Description: Splat!

Written by geneames1

Week - 328

The One that Got Away!
by summerschilde
Description: Quick, throw it back!

Written by geneames1

Week - 333

Meepit Juice Break On Zen Mode
by geneames1
Description: It IS possible to earn a high score on Zen mode (cue 'dun-dun-dun' music here) – a time consuming, sometimes painful and mind numbing method attempted by only the most desperate players...

Week - 345

The New Kid
by geneames1
Description: "I guess it must be tough being new and all, so I'll just call you Noob, okay? It's nice to have a nickname..."

Also by summerschilde

Week - 346

Over Loaded
by summerschilde
Description: Wow.

Written by geneames1

Week - 350

A Real Yooyuball Hero
by boobuddie12
Description: Today was the day of the highly anticipated Altador Cup match-up between Maraqua and (his own personal favorite team) Darigan Citadel. Unfortunately, he hadn't been able to get a ticket...

Also by geneames1

Week - 379

The Thought Counts!
by summerschilde
Description: Uhh, nope.

Written by geneames1

Week - 394

Fyora's Dilemma
by geneames1
Description: "This rampant commercialization of my image makes me feel as if I'm almost a parody of a monarch."

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