Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 170,754,450 Issue: 394 | 29th day of Hunting, Y11
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Jhudora's Gift


Also by kihara0907

by laiomaia


Double or Nothing!

Also by yaksrcewl

by xixiwang242

Life of a Vegetable Chia: Episode Three

When life gives you lemons...

Art by ameya23

by confutation


The Soup Kitchen opens any minute...

Idea by mew__the_first1

by cevierakasky

It's Not Easy Being Queen

Or is it...?

by jessijenni
Karrox's Everyday Life 2

Something has happened!

by grunolana
Marshmello Notions -- PetPet Plunge

Some games just aren't that fun for petpets.

by inthemarshmello

Poor peas, so tortured!

by lilbluespoons
Say... CHEESE!

You reel in your line and get...

by maryboszy
Because I Said So - Snowie

You have to feel kind of sorry for him...

by jayzara


by _pokemon12_63
The Igloo Garage Sale

We knew it all along!

by kuschelfloh
Freak-out - As The Turmac Rolls

You've been playing too long...

by ichigostars

Cheapness is all over Neopia like a disease. D:

by minaimai
Utterly Improbable; Hopefully Impossible

Eh - what?

by umzz
The Neopian Square

Nothing like a random Battledome Challenge to start your day!

by juppielion
Starry Stuff Fyora Special

Warnings are there for something.

by marilltachiquin
Confetti: Fun, Colorful, Unpredictable

So... heavy... Can't... move...

by smlv4_smlv4_1_1_1
Light House Life

Step right up.

by louishooper
Top Ouch!

Now, that must hurt...

by lonekita
Aggravated AvaStars #1

Ever wonder how some Neopians are affected by the avatar craze?

Edition one: The Pant Devil

by amelia_124

IWR #1 -- Eliv Thade and the Imperial Exam

Poor Eliv Thade. :(

by candyplague
Changing Times

What ever happened to the good ol' days?

by rejenerated
Wising Up

King Hagan listens...

by can_i_get_frozen
Pans House (Top Chop)

Who wouldn't think they have superpowers with a nice robe like that.

by poesidious
Kau Kapers

But what does it mean?

by blackfriar
Easy Avatar Solutions

Golden Pteris don't just give out neopoints.

by dragon_nut64
Oh, Him? He's For Free!

That plushie is for free, now PLEASE TAKE IT! D:

by dragonstorm_75

I thought you were a carnivore.

by ssjelitegirl
The Cost...

See Fyora about the weapons.

by gliderames
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"Color Blind" by devil2425
Almost everyone in the room was painted, and the only three who weren't were clumped together in a corner of the back of the classroom. It set my head to thinking, and I looked down at myself. I saw immediately what was wrong; I just didn't fit in...

Other Stories


Re: Sloth's Birthday Party
Dear Distinguished Neopian, 

You are cordially invited to Frank's Birthday Party!

by autotune


Wingin' It
Gro frowned, sitting beside him and following his gaze upward. "Still wanting to fly, huh?"

by honshusan


Omelette Full of Lies
The Tyrannian Omelette is an intricate conspiracy.

You heard me. I've done the research for you.

by yellowsugardog


Naming Your Neopet
If you need name help, take a look here. (:

by danielleplicka


Faeries: Before the Fame - Part One
Fyora drummed her fingers on her desk as she waited for her class to start. Teaching new faeries was her favourite task...

by a_greenparrot


Intrigue at the Altador Cup: Part Six
In Fredrick's professional opinion, the cells in Altador were fairly decent.

by herdygerdy

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